Many of us become concerned about our memory as we age. There are effective, scientifically-proven ways to boost our memory and brain health as we get older…  and they are not unproven “quick-fix” solutions like supplement pills.  Joygage is committed to giving everyone access to these scientifically-proven methods.

We focus on three areas:

  • Stimulating the brain to develop and adapt – our brains are incredibly adaptable and can grow and change positively, even after we start to notice memory loss 
  • Giving the brain blood flow it needs to stay healthy – the brain is an organ that needs a great blood supply and oxygen
  • Managing sleep so the brain can heal and renew – regenerative deep sleep and REM sleep each night to allow your brain to repair itself and consolidate new learning and memories 


We create a custom plan for each person and help them monitor how they are improving. Our mission is to transform lives.

If you’d like to learn more or participate in one of our no-cost trials, please click on the link below.