Great ways to stay mentally active

Staying engaged in mentally stimulating activities as you age has been shown to mitigate memory loss and combat adverse brain changes before they develop [1] [2]. Experts believe that exercising the brain can help decrease memory loss by 30% to 50% [1] and that learning forms new connections between areas of the brain, making the brain function better [2]. 

How do you stay mentally active? Here are some simple things you can do today[3] [4]: 

  • Continue learning. The more that you study and learn, the better your mental functioning will be, especially as you age. Studying new things has been found to help keep memory active and strong. Pursuing a hobby like painting, learning a new skill like playing an instrument, and mentoring others in your area of expertise can all help keep your brain engaged and expanding. 
  • Take classes. There are many opportunities today to take classes either in-person or online, and many can be taken for free or at a very low cost.  Some examples are yoga classes, learning a new instrument starting with the basics of piano or ukulele, calligraphy, foreign language classes and cooking classes. Here’s a free online cooking class you might want to try:      
  • Do some dancing. Any kind of dance (e.g., Zumba, line dancing, ballroom, square dancing) will improve your physical activity and social interaction. And by keeping your heart rate up, neural connections between your brain cells are strengthened. Quite simply: dance can put a smile on your face AND strengthen your brain!
  • Practice good breathing. Practicing mindfulness for 27 minutes daily has been shown to benefit your hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for learning and memory. Work on your breathing and meditation and you will gain better concentration, healthier sleep, enhanced mood, calmer well-being and finer self-awareness. Start calming your mind by listening to guided meditation today! 
  • Engage in games. Games or puzzles involve strategic thinking which then stimulates the brain. Try puzzles, board, card games to help keep your brain healthy and also to increase your interaction with friends and family members. Be sure to choose games that truly challenge you… many phone games are made to be addictive but not that mentally challenging over time. When watching TV, try watching documentaries that cause you to think deeply, and try watching game shows that allow you to answer questions and play along with the contestants. 


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